If you feel your professional career is not advancing adequately or your business should be performing better, consider hiring me. I specialize in helping individuals and businesses of all sizes to reach their full potential.

My aim is to facilitate career advancement and business growth and improve interpersonal relations. I work with individuals, small to medium-sized businesses, and large corporations.

Tailored Services

My services are tailored to the specific needs of each client. On initial contact, we discuss your issues, goals, and objectives. Subsequently, I create a consulting package geared toward creating viable strategies and supporting you in your efforts. In close collaboration, we work through all the issues, make necessary changes, and put new structures in place. Your input is extremely important and combined with my knowledge, we can transform your business and see it flourish. Individuals seeking to advance their careers enjoy the same tailored approach.

My Work

To maximize the effectiveness of my work, I have created different packages for individuals, businesses and teams.

Working with Individuals

My work with individuals is mostly centered around career advancement and includes the following elements:

  • Psychological Assessment and Feedback: I will assess you as an individual and analyse your professional career in an effort to identify your strengths and areas where improvement is required. During several sessions, I will provide you with feedback and jointly, we will create a career growth strategy.
  • Career Coaching: I also offer career coaching sessions. Some individuals are seeking a career promotions, while others may be looking for a complete career change. I can coach you through both processes.
  • Aptitude and Skills Assessment: I can also advise you if you are unsure where your skills and abilities lie. Quite frequently, people haven’t had the chance to discover their true talents or passions, and I can help you identify yours.

Working with Teams

Effective teamwork is crucial in any setting and very much a prerequisite for smooth business operation. At times, teams may not be harmonizing and motivation levels may drop sharply.

  • Team Facilitator: I work as a facilitator and can come in to identify the underlying issues. By providing team members with conflict resolution skills and building team trust, I facilitate improved collaboration and promote more effective teamwork.
  • Team Building: The better people work together, the smoother your business will run. By temporarily joining your team, I can create improved team relations, build trust and foster closer collaboration.

Working with Businesses

Regardless of the size of your business, hiring me might just get your business to the next level.

  • Leadership Coaching: Effective leadership is crucial to the growth of a business. I can coach you effective leadership skills.
  • Human Resources: I work closely with HR department in all areas of staff management.
  • Talent Development: Identifying the individual talents of staff members and encouraging the development thereof can be a great way to raise staff motivation levels and contribute to the growth and development of your business.
  • Growth Strategies: I also collaborate with company managements to create effective growth strategies.

Marketing and Advertising Psychology

I also help people to develop powerful and result-driven advertising and marketing campaigns, using the latest psychological insights.

Contact Details

I would love to work with you. Please email me at adina@churchofcustomer.com to initiate our collaboration.

My clients have been struck by how easy and yet effective the tools I provide are. Within the space of a few consultations, individuals and businesses see vast improvements and can implement new and effective strategies with short as well as long-term benefits.


You can write to me here.