The Benefits of Workforce Screening and DNA Testing

Screening and testing are all about knowing information to make a decision. Companies exist online that can help us to find out what we need or desire to know when it comes to our work and family situation. For instance, DNA testing in Austin is available to put minds at rest and resolve family issues.

These are issues that could easily affect an employee’s production rate if left to fester. If the company wishes to conduct a testing, it is necessary to identify the conditions under which the pharmacogenomics testing should be conducted. As the advantages of pharmacogenetics have been established in the field of mental health in particular, this can prove beneficial for the business later on. Other diseases, such as chronic pain, ADD/H, or heart disease, can, however, be determined by the business, improving overall employee wellness. It is also useful for employers to be able to test their workforce before recruitment, and regularly afterwards, to see if their bodies contain any drugs or alcohol that might impair their abilities to carry out their work to a satisfactory standard and safety level.

Peace of Mind

It is the same peace of mind to know that a worker is fit for work as it is for a family to know that parentage can be determined for certain.

Doubts can be eliminated in both cases. The same companies will perform both services that will make the lives of employers easier, by knowing the behaviours of their employees, as well as resolving family issues where DNA is taken to establish the biological father.

You cannot put a price on knowing something for certain. Otherwise, there is potential for it to play on the mind to the extent that it affects all activities in terms of focus. A focused mind will be one that, in the background can relax, but in the foreground can carry out a task where a high level of concentration is required.

Decision Making

Employers must make decisions, and recruitment is one of them. The employees might not be an asset on the balance sheet but they can certainly be considered simply because of what they can offer a business. Without employees, after all, there would be no production. Without that, a company could not function. So, it is important to hire the right people. We do this by screening them first. We can take a sample and test for alcohol or drugs. This will confirm if an employee might be unsuitable because they perhaps have an addiction they need to deal with, before joining a company where high standards and morality are expected.

It is advised by some health professionals that men or women should not regularly drink more than 14 units of alcohol per week. This is equivalent to 6 pints of beer of average strength, or if wine is your tipple, 10 small glasses of wine of low strength. So, if employees are exceeding these levels, screening or monitoring will show this. Then, a decision can be made as to an employee’s worth to a company.

In the case of drugs, any detected can be a clue to a medical condition that has not been disclosed or as a result of recreational use. This may impact work and so should be tested for and a decision made. Testing will pick up both prescription and non-prescription drugs in a worker’s system.


Safety will relate to workforce screening. It is the most important thing to keep workers safe. This is done by making sure every single employee does not cause danger to themselves or another. Impaired judgements can be considered a danger, which is where drug or alcohol screening proves useful and essential in jobs where it matters. Although, having said that, all jobs matter because good judgement is surely important in every job, from someone sitting calmly at a desk until the phone rings to another climbing scaffolding that is shaking in the wind. Another screening that employers may consider to ensure everyone’s safety are thorough background checks, that may even include criminal checks like the national crime check done in Australia. This should also be something to keep in mind when performing employee screenings.

Other Uses for DNA Testing

DNA testing, apart from being used to determine parentage, is also used to detect genetic diseases. In other words, will someone develop the same disease their elderly relative has? It is open to debate whether employers should have access to this kind of information. It would certainly ensure that workers employed are those that are likely to remain healthy for longer periods and need less time off work for medical appointments. It is something to think about.

In conclusion, there is much to embrace with workforce screening and DNA testing. Both provide results that are useful to know. Employers can act when employees are unsuitable because of the levels of alcohol or drugs in their bloodstreams, and families can decide how to deal with the news that the biological link to a father might not necessarily be the one they had hoped for. Although, it might be, and so can put a lot of minds at rest.