How to Promote Good Staff Collaboration

The importance of good staff collaboration cannot be overstated. Unfortunately, many workers nowadays see the lack of effective collaboration as a major obstacle to company growth. Failure to communicate, along with the inability to delegate or ask for support lead to workflow bottlenecks. Work is left undone, staff members get stress, job satisfaction plummets, and your business suffers as a result.

Good staff collaboration does not fall out of the sky, in fact, team builders know the time and effort required to build and develop good staff teamwork. Considering the enormous benefits of good staff collaboration, any investment of time and effort must surely be worth it.

Why Effective Teamwork is Often Missing

Large companies with thousands of employees can struggle to foster good teamwork, but the problem also arises in medium and small businesses. In my experience, the main reason for poor collaboration is the lack of nurturing of a team spirit. Company leaders do not prioritize team building because they are unaware of the need to actively encourage and promote good staff relations. This isn’t a mysterious insurmountable barrier either – the sooner that managers realise even a simple day out to do some axe throwing as a fun team activity can bring people together, the sooner that they can begin getting teams to gel together properly.

Let’s take a look at some other effective team building strategies.

Personalized Leadership

Management must lead from the top and firstly personalize contact with staff. Rather than sending out generic emails, leaders need to communicate with each staff member as an individual. This will encourage a closer, more personal relationship between staff members. When staff members are acknowledged and valued as individuals and foster good working relationships, they are more likely to ask each other for assistance and collaborate whenever possible.

Working Together to Reach a Joint Objective

Leaders need to create a team spirit by outlining joint goals and encouraging collaboration in the reaching of these goals. When staff members are aware of the overall business strategy and targets, and feel a sense of joint purpose, they are more likely to collaborate more closely.

Team Building Activities and Friendships

Bringing staff members on joint outings may incur costs, however, when staff befriend each other, they tend to work together more closely. Consider this escape room Atlanta, which offers a variety of mysteries for people to solve together. Getting employees out of the office and taking them to places like these could foster good communication and collaboration in a fun atmosphere minus the stresses of work.

Stress-Free Workplace

Staff members who are stressed and anxious shut down. They are less likely to work together and their own work can degrade as well. Therefore it is important to try and foster an environment that does not contribute to the stress of an employee. Resolve interpersonal conflicts between employees with mediation and solutions that benefit both parties. Allow employees to take stress and wellness remedies (such as in the breakroom, or simply have a cup of tea if that will help them destress.

Innovative Workspaces

Open-plan offices are in vogue nowadays, precisely because this kind of space lends itself to closer collaboration and an increased flow in creativity. It is however equally important to provide some space for privacy. Phone boxes or small staff rooms can provide privacy and space for brainstorming and friendship building.

Foster Talent Development

It is also vital to encourage individual staff members to use their specific talents and areas of expertise. This will raise motivation levels and highlight to each individual that she/he is a valued member of staff. This will also result in staff members asking each other for help with specific tasks. Undoubtedly, companies can greatly benefit from harnessing the talents and creativity of individual staff members.

Team Building Platforms

An increasing number of businesses are using interactive company platforms where employees can exchange information, share expertise, learn, and communicate on a day-to-day basis. This can be particularly useful for large companies and a widely dispersed workforce.

Some companies even introduce a social media platform for employees to join. As a means of communication and encouraging collaboration, such use of social media can be highly beneficial.

If you are a company with remote employees, you can take the assistance of virtual event management organizers like Smart Works or similar service providers. Such companies can schedule group activities and interactive sessions for the company employees. They can also assist in planning online video conferences and hybrid events for companies with a scattered workforce.

Team Meetings and Video Conferencing

Holding regular staff meetings, online or off, is essential to keep everyone up to speed and encourage good collaboration.

If you invest sufficient thought and effort into promoting good staff collaboration, your company will greatly benefit. Workflows will improve and your business will run far more smoothly.

As an individual, you can also benefit from trying to build good working relationships with colleagues. Providing mutual support is a sure way to improve job satisfaction and overall wellbeing.